‘It’s mine!’ my tips to encourage your toddler to share. ðŸ‘«ðŸ‘¬ðŸ‘­

My little super star has just turned 2 years of age and is a funny, happy and friendly little girl. On one hand she is great at making friends and confident in approaching other children. However,  the problem is the sharing with other childrend.  My tips for facing these situations are as follows.

Firstly remember little one learns everything from you.

Secondly,  if your child isn’t the caring sharing kind then encourage more play dates and interaction with other children don’t avoid the situation thinking it will improve in time.

Playing games with your child is a good way to introduce sharing. For example when you child is eating they may offer you some,  this is your opportunity to show a positive happy response and say thank you for sharing. This shows that sharing makes you happy which is what your little one wants to see!

I also find it easier when tensions get heated during play time and the idea of sharing is about to fly out of the window if you sit down with your child and play mates and play a game. For instance my child doesn’t like sharing her ball. When another child wants to play with it I observe for a while to see if they can work out an agreement if unsuccessful then I go in and take charge of the ball passing it around playongoing me to your everyone can then play with the ball.

I hope these little tips are useful if you have any tips of you own feel free to comment.

Sharing can be a hard thing to teach children can be so territorial and just coming to terms with these new found emotions. Like everything else in parenthood consistency is key.

Author: superstartots

I am a full time working mum if one. I look forward to starting my new adventure with my daughter. I am a fun friendly person and always positive I like to help people and enjoying spending time with my family. I believe education is important. In my free time I like to read and relax.

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